America’s Obession With Fitness

7 09 2011

Getting physically fit has become a national obsession for millions of Americans who are looking to shed unwanted fat and get in shape.  The fitness industry, which includes gyms, personal trainers, and nutritionists, brings in on average over 21 billion dollars a year.

In gyms across the country, Americans are spending more time in the gym lifting weights and doing intense cardio workouts in the quest for the perfect beach body. But is all this exercising necessary?  Over-training, which is when you train your body past it’s ability to adequately recover from strenuous exercise, is common amongst fitness enthusiasts who workout constantly without ample recovery time.

Marathon runners, who run several miles a day or more, are also susceptible to over-training,which can eventually lead to joint and lower back pain as well as illness since the bodies immune system can be weakened as a result of chonic cardio.

MitiGator shoe insoles and it’s various applications can help protect athletes from the rigors of intense training regiments.  However athletes need to take a hard look at their own training regiments to see if what they are doing is actually beneficial to their health. It’s easy to think that by training more, you’re fitness levels will drastically improve. The opposite can actually occur.

By over-training your muscles, you will only hamper any chance of muscle growth because muscle growth happens when your resting, not when lifting weights.  If you feel tired and just don’t want to exercise, than don’t. Most likely that is your body telling you that you need a break, so take one!

The MitiGator™ Technology is an engineered cushioning system designed to protect people and equipment from these assaults and to allow them to continue to perform their jobs or enjoy their leisure time. The MitiGator™ uses patented air control technology working with over 4,000 surfaces per square foot to dissipate energy before it is transmitted to the body and thus help alleviate the problems. For more information on the MitiGator Cushioning System email



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